At a time when climate change is transforming the appearance of our landscapes, we are forced to ask how we can regain ideological purity and a respect for nature. The earth worked by artisans is the concrete application of this concept. Hence the idea of employing “baked earth” i.e. terracotta originating from the Indus Valley Civilisation is reinterpreted and handcrafted in a contemporary outlook.
Through the design, we aim to capture the imperfections of our society and those that lay within us and encapsulate that within the imperfectly perfect touches of an artisans hands. As evolution continues to shape our perspectives, change is the only constant in our lives and through evolution of our thoughts we learn to adapt, grow and co-exist within each other. Different opinions and outlooks have led this society towards transforming into a think tank. The complex layers of interconnectedness within each role we play in life reveals a certain method of renewal, regrowth, inclusions and diversity. The willingness to accept freedom of love and expression is clearly defined through the mould into which society is comfortably snuggled.