Public Dustbins

Recycled Plastic Dustbins, 2020

ReCity Network Pvt. Ltd.

Material: 375 kgs of HDPE, LDPE & MLP Plastics

Specifications: 4 x 6 feet

Winner of a Silver Award in the Green Brand of the Year category at the Olive Crown Awards 2021

In an attempt to support Nestle India’s initiative- Hilldaari, to develop inclusive and resilient models for solid and plastic waste management in the tourist cities of the country, we have designed and fabricated 27 dustbins using recycled plastic. The Hilldaari movement, a CSR initiative by Nestle India implemented by Recity Network Private Limited, is developing different models for Integrated Solid Waste Management in the Hill cities; Mussoorie, Nainital and Dalhousie, by deploying different strategies in line with the city’s context.
HDPE, LDPE and multi-layer packaging plastics when blended together produce a very strong and durable plastic sheet. While designing these dustbins, our main criteria was their ability to be resistant to harsh weather and easy maintenance as a public property. Our design sense at WorkshopQ is to artfully disguise the evident use of recycled materials which was perfectly aligned with the beauty of the recycled specks of various plastics in these sheets. By optimising the lifespan of plastics by reusing and recycling, we eliminate the need to create new plastic. A strong metal frame encased around the recycled plastic sheet lends a parabolic curve to them. With simple communication through bold signages and adhering to assigned colors (wet waste= green, dry waste= blue) accessible to people from all walks of society and something astonishingly eye-catching, we can all come together to realise our Hilldaari i.e. responsibility towards the hills.